SRD Masters Rugby League update
Salford Red Devils FIRST Masters Rugby League Festival - Don't retire to Union play Masters Rugby League
This weekend sees our first Masters Rugby League festival take place at Salford City Roosters Home ground KO at 1pm
Salford City Roosters address;
Moat Hall Sports Centre
Hallsworth Road
M30 7LS.
Meet at 12pm for a 1pm KO with food and drink available from the club house
We have full teams from Cadishead Rhinos, Langworthy Reds and Salford City Roosters attending.
Don't worry if you haven't been able to attend every training session you are still more than welcome to come down and take part as we are hoping to have an exiles team.
Thank you for all our partners continued support with this new project, it's success is down to you!
Good luck to those who are playing - pictures will be posted next week with a full write up.